Mystery and a Happy Medium
10:11 p.m. - August 07, 2003

I over waxed my eyebrows today. I've never done it by myself. Oh well, they'll grow back.

I remember now why I don't like dating men I work with - not that I'm actually dating him. I've done it twice before and both ended miserably. There's that whole Can't Let Anyone Know, It's Not Professional Thing. Like there can't be a happy medium. Whatever.

But then again, there's that mystery. Like yesterday, when he put his hand out for a high five but grasped my own hand when it touched his. He was talking to someone else and didn't even really look at me. It reminded me of Rob. We used to touch palms when we were at work, like Romeo and Juliet. Letting our hands do what our lips could not.

Didn't see much of him today but he asked me to walk over and get a sandwich with him yesterday. Great, I thought, alone time. Nope. Jason went with us. Oddly enough, both times I've went to lunch with him Jason has went with us. Odder still, he's incredibly jealous of Jason. There was that night when Jason tried to kiss me at the bar, more than once. A glance Tim's way told me that he watching every move and he didn't like it. So I think it's funny that he asked Jason to go and then asked me.

But he casually bought my lunch which was kind of cute.

After lunch I got really busy. He stopped by my cube once only to see me brush by him. I stopped him later and apologized. I had to pee and had waited far to long - ha ha. You'll have that.

They played a double header tonight. I had no plans to go - it's been raining off and on all afternoon. Heather called earlier to let me know she and Amber were staying in. I can't imagine any of them would really feel like drinking after playing two games. They should be wrapping the second one up right about now so we'll see if my phone rings anytime soon.

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