Getting Rid of the Memories
1:34 p.m. - September 06, 2003

I must be going through the "Clean That Man Right Out of My Apartment" phase this afternoon. I dusted and cleaned my bedroom, threw the sheets in the laundry, cleaned out my desk and actually hung up all of my clothes.

Thought of him the entire time and realized the Big Bag was getting bigger and bigger. I found a bunch of e-mails that I had printed off. Love letters full of happy words and support. I also found cards and coupons I gave to him that he couldn't take home because he had went back to her but was still seeing me. They should have went in the trash but they went in the bag.

All of my laundry is either in the dryer or the washer and I should continue on to another room but I'm physically and mentally exhausted. I'll watch a little tv and hope that I can get back up and continue in a few hours.

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